I had never been in trouble with the law before or had experience with any other lawyers, but when my revengeful (then) husband decided to make a false accusation of domestic violence against me, I knew that this was serious and I needed the best representation possible. It was then that I obtained Mr. Lombardo as my lawyer. Mr. Lombardo handled my case with great knowledge and professionalism. He was always responsive to my concerns and he was clearly well respected in the community, which gave him more leverage for negotiating. In the end, Mr. Lombardo was able to get the DA to drop the domestic violence charge against me. Nine months later, I received a letter from the Board of Registered Nursing which was threatening to take away my professional license due to said incident. I spoke to Mr. Lombardo about this and he showed great concern that I not lose my professional license and he handled the issue with the Board that same day, no charge! How many lawyers would do that? That just goes to show Mr. Lombardo’s genuine concern for the well-being of his clients. He is truly a one of a kind lawyer, not only the best at what he does but also willing to go the extra mile for his clients. If you are looking for the best legal representation, Mr. Lombardo is the lawyer to get.