It may be helpful to understand how bond in San Diego is determined and what a judge looks for when considering a reduction in a defendant’s bail.
Consequences of Criminal Prosecution for Domestic Violence Offenses in San Diego
Domestic violence is a form of abuse committed against an individual who is considered to be a spouse or former spouse, or another person with whom the defendant has had a child or dating relationship. A dating relationship is defined as a frequent and intimate association between two people. It “Consequences of Criminal Prosecution for Domestic Violence Offenses in San Diego”
Expungement of a Criminal Conviction in San Diego
In applications for professional licenses, California requires individuals convicted of crimes to demonstrate rehabilitation before offering a license in many areas of professional life. This includes, for instance, obtaining a job as a lawyer, doctor, nurse, dentist, contractor, banker, or real estate professional. Obtaining an expungement of a criminal record “Expungement of a Criminal Conviction in San Diego”